MLPA proposal: tribes, fishing and environmental groups push for locally generated blueprint

John Driscoll/The Times-Standard
Posted: 01/22/2011 01:16:15 AM PST

Tribes and local fishing and environmental groups on Friday repeated their support of a regional proposal for marine reserves along the North Coast before the Legislature's Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture in Eureka.

The hearing comes just prior to the California Fish and Game Commission's Feb. 2 meeting in Sacramento at which a series of fishing and gathering closures and restrictions along the Humboldt, Del Norte and Mendocino county coastline are expected to be adopted. The regional group that generated a unified proposal for the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative has the support of more than 40 agencies and fishing and environmental organizations. The unified proposal was the first such agreement in the MLPA process in the state.”I know it was a major achievement, but it doesn't surprise me,” said committee Chairman Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro at the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors chambers.Read the rest of the story from the Eureka Times-Standard here.

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