B.C. spared major tsunami damage

By: CTV.ca News StaffDate: Friday Mar. 11, 2011 4:05 PM PT

Harbours in California and Hawaii felt the impact from waves spawned by a devastating earthquake off Japan Friday, with damage reported and one person missing.Record-high waves of up to 2.5 metres were seen in Crescent City, California and one man is missing after being swept out to sea while taking photos of the tsunami there.The coast guard is searching for the man.Four men were also swept off a beach in Oregon by the surge. Two managed to get back to safety on their own, and emergency crews saved the other two men.There was severe damage to the docks and local residents said dozens of boats were "crushed."Read the rest of the story here.



Tsunami Passes Alaska, No Reports of Damage


Tsunami brings storm-like waves to Wash. coast