Open Season on California Market Squid
By Danna StaafLast year, the market squid off California were so abundant that the fishery actuallyreached its quota for the first time in history. Normally, squid fishing season is April 1st to March 31st--yep, that's all year. But when they hit the quota back in December 2010, the fishery closed.However, when April 1st, 2011, rolled around and government officials opened the fishery again, no squid boats sallied out into Monterey Bay. According to the Monterey Weekly,
When the squid season began April 1, local fishermen held back in hopes of pressuring processors to bump the price of calamari from $500 to $600 per ton, according to David Haworth, vice president of the California Wetfish Producers Association.
Read the rest at Squid A Day.