Study finds eating salmon weekly can cut rheumatoid arthritis risk in half

Seafood NewsEating fish such as salmon at least once a week could halve the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, a new study has claimed.The findings stem from a study of more than 32,000 Swedish women and offer another reason to follow the established dietary advice of regularly consuming fish for good health.Researchers said the benefits of fishy diet are because it is rich in omega-3, which is said to protect both the heart and the brain.A research team at Sweden's Karolinska Institute analysed the dietary habits of 32,000 women, all of whom were born between 1914 and 1948 and were followed from 2003 to 2010.Participants provided information on their diet, height, weight, parenthood status and educational achievements, as well as recording the frequency and amounts of various foods they ate, including several types of oily and lean fish.A total of 205 women were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis during the follow-up period and the researchers discovered that a high dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids - which are found in fish such as salmon and fresh tuna - was associated with a reduced risk of the autoimmune disease.Read the full story here.


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