Anchovy "collapse" a manufactured 'crisis'

D.B. Pleschner:
Anchovy "collapse" a manufactured 'crisis'
Saving Seafood has covered issues related to the various "forage fish" campaigns of the past several years, which have been organized by interest groups in the wake of the Lenfest Report, "Little Fish, Big Impact."  In today's Santa Cruz Sentinal, Diane Pleschner, executive director of the California Wetfish Producers Association, addresses a recent campaign regarding anchovy fishing in the Monterey Bay area. In her essay, Ms. Pleschner argues that a controversial recent study is based on outdated samples, ignoring the latest observations.  The Pacific Fishery Management Council votes on the issue later today.The California Wetfish Producers Association is a nonprofit dedicated to research and to promote sustainable wetfish resources.
 SANTA CRUZ, California (November 15, 2015) -- If you follow news about the Monterey Bay, you've undoubtedly heard the recent outcry by environmentalists in the media claiming the anchovy population in California has collapsed and the fishery must be closed immediately.
The current controversy stems largely from a study funded by environmental interests that claims an apocalyptic decline of 99 percent of the anchovy population from 1951 to 2011.
However, fishermen have seen a surge in anchovies in recent years. Data collected at the near shore Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System stations and other recent surveys also document a big upswing in anchovy numbers. For example, a 2015 NOAA rockfish cruise report found that "catches of [Pacific sardine and northern anchovy] larvae and pelagic juveniles were the highest ever in the core [Monterey Bay to Point Reyes] and north and still relatively high in the south." Yet the recent study bases its conclusion on outdated historic anchovy egg and larval samples, not recent observation.
Outdated data didn't stop extremists from seizing on the study to manufacture an anti-fishing crisis for anchovy where none exists. They're now lobbying the Pacific Fishery Management Council for an emergency closure of the small anchovy fishery in Monterey Bay, saying the current anchovy catch limit of 25,000 metric tons is dangerously high.
In reality, anchovy management employs an extremely precautionary approach, capping the allowed harvest at 25 percent of the estimated population. Josh Lindsay, policy analyst for the National Marine Fisheries Service, which enforces the fishing cap, says, "We took the overfishing limit and told the fishing fleet that they could only catch 25,000 metric tons. That's a pretty large buffer built into our management."
Wetfish fishermen fish on a complex of species including sardine, mackerel and squid. Anchovy is a small - but important - part of the complex, a fill-in for Monterey fishermen when other species are not available. Environmental extremists ignore the fact the anchovy harvest has totaled less than half the allowed limit in the past two decades. The light effort is one reason why the fisheries service has not formally assessed the species since 1995, focusing limited research dollars on more active fisheries.
The big increase in anchovy abundance in nearshore waters in recent years has precipitated a record whale-watching spectacle in Monterey and along the Central Coast. Despite allegations to the contrary, whales and other marine life gorging on anchovies are oblivious to the fishery. In October 2013, for example, Monterrey Bay had record sightings of humpback whales, while fishing vessels caught more than 3,000 tons of anchovy.
Consider reports from fishermen:
  • Corbin Hanson, a southern California fisherman, saw a large volume of anchovy show up on the Southern California coast beginning around 2011. "The largest volume of anchovy I've ever seen was running up coast from Point Conception to Monterey this summer - miles of anchovies. ... We couldn't escape them. We drove through hundreds of thousands of tons in one night this summer. Other fishermen saw the same thing I did - whales, birds, seals all gorging on anchovy."
  • Tom Noto has fished in Monterey for more than 30 years, one of only about eight fishermen who fish anchovy in on the edge of Monterey canyon. He says, "Anchovies like to dive deep. Our sonars mark anchovy in on the edge of Monterey canyon. He says, "Anchovies like to dive deep. Our sonars mark schools that are hundreds of feet thick, but our nets just skim the surface of these schools. ... They're are everywhere, but we only fish them in Monterey Bay."
  • Fisherman Neil Guglielmo told the Santa Cruz Sentinel, "I've been fishing anchovies since 1959, and I don't see any problem with the anchovies for the whales. ... The [claim] that we're scaring whales or catching their food source is ridiculous."
When the Pacific Fishery Management Council convenes Nov. 15, to discuss anchovy, we hope sanity and best available common sense will prevail, in addition to "best available science." Council members need to incorporate evidence of recent anchovy (and sardine) recruitment into future management decisions.

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Letters: Plentiful anchovies far from collapse