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Ironic: Jerry Brown Has a Jobs Plan...Meanwhile AB 1299 Will Kill 3,000 Jobs

Truth is stranger than fiction -- while Gov. Jerry Brown is developing a plan to add jobs,  the Legislature is contemplating a bill -- AB 1299 -- that would kill at least 3,000 jobs.  Hard working fishermen and blue-collar processing crew jobs, which represent the backbone of California's  fishing economy.

FRESNO -- Gov. Jerry Brown said today that he and legislative leaders are considering a series of measures to address California's persistent unemployment, suggesting he has a jobs plan but declining to discuss it in detail before talking with lawmakers Thursday morning."We have a series of things that we're doing," the Democratic governor said between meetings in Fresno. "Some are bills, and some are actions, and some are proposals."Brown said in his gubernatorial campaign last year that growth in renewable energy could create at least 500,000 jobs, and he has increasingly talked about clean energy since passage of the state budget. Earlier today, Brown appointed former bank executive Michael Rossi to be his top jobs adviser.Brown said in a lengthy speech to civic leaders this afternoon that Rossi's appointment is to ensure the state is responsive to business.With California's unemployment rate around 12 percent, politicians are lining up with jobs plans.Read the rest at the Sacramento Bee.

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