CDFW Closes Fishery Following Spill in Santa Barbara


The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) closed fishing and shellfish harvesting in Santa Barbara County from 1 mile west of Refugio State Beach to 1 mile east of the beach at the recommendation of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) following the crude oil pipeline spill May 19.

The closure went into effect on May 19, 2015. It remains in place until OEHHA, part of the California Environmental Protection Agency, advises CDFW that it is safe for fishing to resume. Land markers for the closure are near the intersection of Highway 101 and Calle Real Road (west) to near the intersection of Highway 101 and Venadito Canyon Road (east). OEHHA also advises that anglers avoid fishing in areas where there is visible sheen on the water.

The United States Coast Guard and CDFW responded to the initial report of 21,000 gallon spill. The source was secured, but an unknown amount reached the Pacific Ocean.

Clean up operations and investigation into the incident is ongoing. The Oiled Wildlife Care Network has activated recovery teams to collect oiled animals. Anyone seeing oiled wildlife should report it to 1-877-UCD-OWCN (877-823-6926).

For a map of the fishery closure area and more information about this incident, please visit the CDFW Office of Spill Prevention and Response web page.
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Alexia Retallack,CDFW Office of Spill Prevention and Response(916) 952-3317


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More Sharks?

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- An abundance of squid showing up along the Central Coast, could mean more sharks are lurking in our waters. We found out if the squids are the answers to why people are spotting so many sharks off our shores.Marine experts we spoke with today say it's unusual to have so many sharks and squids in the water in such a short period of time. This year dozens of great white shark sightings along the Central Coast have people asking questions about the increase.Just yesterday two young Great Whites were caught and released off Manhattan Pier. On Tuesday a man was attacked in Humboldt County across the bay from Eureka. He survived but his surf board paints a scary picture of what could have happened.Last week, 39-year old Francisco Solorio Junior wasn't as lucky. Solorio was killed off Surf Beach in Santa Barbara by a 16 foot Great White.Full article and video here. 
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Scientists To Set Sail To Monitor Sardines

Scientists On Bell M. Shimada To Survey Coastal Waters From Mexico To Santa Barbara. News10 Video

SAN DIEGO -- The sardine population is dwindling and that could have a major impact on San Diego's economy and food supply.

On Tuesday, the research ship Bell M. Shimada made preparations to head out again. This time, scientists will survey coastal waters from Mexico to near Santa Barbara looking for sardines.

Southwest Fisheries Science Center scientist Roger Hewitt, Ph.D., said forage fish like sardines are critical.

"They feed everything that we care about," he said.

Sardines feed not only people – which results in $12 million in commercial fishing revenue in 2010 – but they also feed birds and mammals such as whales and sea lions which are cornerstones of tourism.

"Sardines are used as bait," said Hewitt.

They help fuel the massive sport fishing industry, which brings in more than 250 million a year for San Diego, according to the United Anglers of Southern California, citing a 1985 study.

The last coast-wide survey occurred in 2006 going from Baja California to British Columbia. Scientists will be using echosounding, which is similar to sonar.

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