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Kerry steps up push vs. NOAA

By Richard Gaines Staff Writer

U.S. Sen. John Kerry has put his political weight behind the struggles of the fishing industry in its growing fight for relief from the regulatory, economic and law enforcement policies created and being carried out by the Obama administration.

John Kerryphoto © 2009 Center for American Progress Action Fund | more info (via: Wylio)

Expressing disappointment and frustration at the lack of progress in a year's struggle dating to the Feb. 24, 2010, national fishermen's rally in Washington, D.C., Kerry announced plans organize a field hearing of the Senate Commerce Committee — somewhere in Massachusetts, and no later than April.

The hearing would gather testimony for comprehensive legislation aimed at modifying the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the landmark 1976 law that governs America's fisheries and is credited with achieving sustainable stocks and ending overfishing.

Read the rest of the story here.

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