Fishing Green: Calif. Harvested Wetfish Fisheries are the most efficient in the world
As more Californians consider their total carbon footprint, as a way to reduce human impacts on climate change, more are looking at “food miles”: how far their food travels between the time it is harvested and the time it gets to their plate. The Farm-to-Fork movement not only implies freshness, but that transportation from the farm to the consumer’s plate is a relatively short distance.Fishing, like farming, can be green and sustainable. And California is leading the way in this effort, but distance is a misleading measure. Fishing green implies that fisheries are harvested at a sustainable level, keeping the fish populations healthy, while providing nutritious foods to millions of Americans and others worldwide. Beyond fishing below set quotas, there are three ways that fishing green can be achieved:• Reduce the harvest of foods that have high energy costs in their production, capture or transportation• Reduce harvest of high trophic level species that require a large amount of primary production to replace their numbers• Support efficiency in the production of fishery resourcesIn the complete “Fishing Green” report by Richard Parrish, PhD, you will learn more about how California’s wetfish fisheries (coastal pelagic species such as sardine, mackerel and market squid) are among the most sustainable methods of food production. Purse-Seine fisheries for small pelagic fishes and squid in California are the most fuel-efficient of all the fisheries, averaging 6 gallons per metric ton harvested.Read more in the full report here.
Soybean Diets for Farmed Fish
**West coast CPS 'forage' harvest is strictly limited to leave most fish in the ocean, so innovative fish farmers are developing alternative feeds to provide high quality seafood for restaurants and seafood consumers. What is the future of seafood?A new video, funded by the U.S. soybean industry, takes us behind the scenes to what could become the beginning of a "green" fish-farming revolution."The video shows folks that industry is concerned about sustainability and that research is being conducted to address potential problems with cage farming," said Donald Kent, president of Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute in San Diego. "Sea Grant and NOAA should take some credit for making this a possibility."Fish farmers at the innovative Pacifico Aquaculture are raising white sea bass, yellowtail and other premium finfish species in floating open-ocean cages near Isla Todos Santos (a famous big wave surf spot) off the coast of Ensenada, Mexico. The farm has recently earned a "best aquaculture practices" certification for all its green efforts.Read the full article.