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Status of Stocks 2015: U.S. Fisheries Continue to Rebuild


April 20, 2016

Good afternoon,
NOAA Fisheries is pleased to announce the release of the 2015 Status of U.S. Fisheries report to Congress. This annual report identifies stocks on the overfishing andoverfishedlists.  In 2015, these lists remained near all-time lows and stocks continued to rebuild.
Underscoring the strength of the U.S. science-based management framework to monitor and respond to changes in status, in 2015, eight stocks came off theoverfishing list while ten others were added. Two stocks are no longer listed as overfished, while a stock with a previously unknown status was added. And recent assessments show two stocks have rebuilt, bringing the national total of rebuilt stocks to 39 since 2000.
In this 40th anniversary year of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, we want to recognize that the dynamic, science-based management process is proving to be successful at ending chronic overfishing, rebuilding our fisheries and helping realize significant benefits to the U.S. economy.


As we move forward toward the next 40 years, we will continue to adapt our science and management process to reflect changing ocean conditions and the role of complex ecosystems and climate impacts on U.S. fisheries.


We look forward to working with you to further these efforts and identify opportunities to strengthen the long-term biological and economic sustainability of our nation's fisheries.

Thank you,
Laurel Bryant
Chief, External AffairsNOAA Fisheries Communications
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