Harvard study finds eating tuna, mackerel, swordfish boosts memory

Seafood NewsEating tuna could boost memory and slow age-related mental decline, say researchers from Harvard Medical School.They looked at the diet of 6,000 women with an average age of 72 and monitored them for nearly ten years, measuring their memory and mental ability at different points.The women who ate tuna, mackerel or swordfish once a week had significantly better verbal memory compared to women who did not regularly eat the fish. There were no links between memory and consumption of light-meat fish or shellfish. It's thought the benefits are down to the high omega-3 content in tuna and mackerel — other studies suggest this may help boost memory.Read the full story here.

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Eating Fish While Pregnant Halves the Risk of ADHD

The amount of fish a woman eats while pregnant may affect her child's chances of developing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Eating fish twice a week was linked to about a 60 per cent lower risk of a child developing certain ADHD-like symptoms, according to research from the Boston University School of Public Health.But the type of fish eaten is key.Elevated mercury levels, which can occur from eating certain types of fish, such as tuna and swordfish, were also tied to a higher risk of developing ADHD symptoms such as a short attention span, restlessness or being easily distracted.'The really important message is to eat fish,' said assistant professor Sharon Sagiv, the study's lead author.Read full story here. 

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